Over the first eight months of 2023, there has been heaps of progress at The Neighborhood Village.

The progress at The Neighborhood Village in 2023 has been significant. Although all the welcomed rain we received to start the year pushed our timeline back by a month, we continued pressing forward.  The delivery of the first units occurred on May 31st, we now have 16 of the 53 units on-site.

The 2-story unity hall that will be The Neighborhood Village's epicenter of community cultivation has been erected. The walls are up, windows are in, and trusses and ductwork are installed. We are thankful to partner on this unique project with Self Help Enterprises and our general contractor, Quiring General. Both entities have been collaborative, professional, and a joy to work with.

We continue to navigate working with local and state inspectors and we hope to start moving in our neighbors by the Spring of 2024.  

Thank you to the many hands that make our work light. We appreciate all of you who have supported our mission of giving hope to the hopeless.

- Ed Largoza, Chief Operating Officer

Bethanie Borquez